《GTA OL》军火贸易DLC公布


《GTA OL》军火贸易DLC公布 - 侠盗猎车手OL

R星于今日宣布,《侠盗猎车手OL(Grand Theft Auto Online)》将于今年6月迎来一份“重大的”内容更新。军火贸易DLC将包含高科技载具、武器,以及(正如DLC标题所暗示的那样,)这些武器于圣安德烈斯的走私与交易。

Screenshots from the reveal announcement for the Gunrunning update for GTA Online.

Screenshots from the reveal announcement for the Gunrunning update for GTA Online.

Screenshots from the reveal announcement for the Gunrunning update for GTA Online.

Screenshots from the reveal announcement for the Gunrunning update for GTA Online.

Screenshots from the reveal announcement for the Gunrunning update for GTA Online.


  • 平台/主題
  • PC
  • PS4
  • XboxOne
  • PS3